Social Media & Website Marketing for UK business

Email Marketing

Reach out and keep your brand alive through inspiring conversation

Does everyone know, that you are open for business?

Letting all of your customers, contacts, and prospects, know that your doors are open, can be tough when your are trying to deliver on so many other priorities.

Email marketing is a fabulous digital communication tool to fulfil this demand, as it drives a clear message directly to targeted contacts and audiences, on mass.

E-flyers inform customers, that you are available to meet their needs. Through reaching out in just one hit, monthly, quarterly, and even annual email flyers, newsletters, and digital Christmas cards, are all popular options to keep in touch and help businesses to stay connected with their contacts.

Using eye-catching designs, our e-mail marketing software creates low cost-effective e-mail flyers, which begin with a brand logo, reflect corporate identity and include relevant contact details so that the business can be easily reached. Often, e-mail flyers will showcase information about specific products and services, latest news, and current topics. They may also include future aspirations, industry news and useful information, promotional offers, or competitions. All creatively designed e-flyers include active links, plus ‘read more’ and ‘call to action’ prompts back to the main business website.

Data Handling

Brand Creative Media offer the resources to build contact lists by targeting sectors and preferred industry contacts. All contact data is updated and managed through secure third-party email marketing software. When handling data, sensitivity to GDPR data protection is taken extremely seriously. We do not use, store or circulate data to any third parties, without permission.

Our SPAM friendly software delivers e-flyers through most email filters. Our email marketing software provides essential analytics reporting to enable organisations to analyse and monitor the success of each individual campaign in terms of number of sends, opens and click rate.

Find your voice!

  • Target information to direct audiences
  • Offer regular communication to existing customers, contacts and prospects
  • Communicate brand and corporate identity
  • Highlight company & industry news
  • Create seasonal banners to keep the business current
  • Drive traffic towards website
  • Provide ‘Call to Action’
  • Assess reporting & evaluation
  • Drive traffic to improve website search engine ranking

Are you considering increasing your communication by investing in email marketing? Please get in touch to find out more.

Looking to focus on a marketing strategy to develop new business?

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